Monday, June 8, 2009


There is nothing in this world that makes me lazier than rain. And here in South Florida, it's been raining nonstop for weeks. Unfair.
Luckily, this means most of my plants are doing really well. They love the rain and they all look very healthy. Unfortunately, lack of sun makes for very little in the way of flowers or more veggies so everything is at a stand still.
I got a few really nice green peppers to cook with, but there aren't any more being produced at the moment. It's a sad time for my little garden.

In the meantime, while waiting out this damn monsoon season, I've been baking and generally interneting.

For Pooka's birthday, I baked her this batch of Pansy cupcakes in 1 1/2" clay pots. I think they could have come out a little nicer, but for a last minute present, they're just fine. In the future, I think I'll add mint leaves to make the flowers look more complete. And I'll probably use the pots that are one size bigger. There wasn't nearly enough cupcake in each pot to whet my appetite.

Anyway, I think as soon as it stops raining I'm going to finally build the raised bed for my pumpkin and squash patch. Gotta make one for my carrots too! I may only have two at the moment, but they need space to grow.


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